Network Aims and Charitable Objects

Network Aims

The aims of the network are:

  • to support teacher wellbeing and mental health

  • to sustain mindful teaching and leadership

  • to share skills in peer-supervision and self-care

Charitable Objects

Incorporation as a Charitable Organisation (CIO) pending

  • Advancement of Education by promoting, sustaining and increasing individual and collective knowledge and understanding of specific areas of study, skills and expertise, including mindful teaching, mindful educational leadership and mindfulness-based professional supervision

  • The advancement of the mental health and wellbeing of school teachers, lecturers in further and higher education and educational leaders, including the methods of co-counselling peer-support, and wisdom-based self-care concerned with healing mind, body and spirit in the alleviation of symptoms and restoration of wellbeing.

© 2025 Mindful Mentoring Network

 Supporting Teacher Wellbeing and Mental Health : Sustaining Mindful Teaching and Leadership : Skillsharing for Peer Supervision and Self-care


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